Monday, 16 July 2012

NOTD Accessorize Emerald City

Hi everyone! The other day I really wanted Barry Ms new turquoise glitter. And when i say really wanted I mean I had my heart set on it. I live in a city and NOT ONE superdrug or boots had this in stock so I started to look at other brands...
Viola! Emerald City. Named wrong I feel as it is definately turquoise. The picture shows three coats for full coverage. Mainly small glitter and some bigger chunks. Sparkles so much. This colour is great for jazzing up a boring outfit! So if you can't find the Barry M one go for this, its pretty much a dupe!
£3.45 at Superdrug and Accessorize


  1. Hey :) Found your blog via the BBU blog hop and followed :) Great blog!

  2. This is such a pretty color! ps, found you through the BBU bloghop. xx, ahhhdri

  3. I have this and I really like it. I totally agree about the name though, it's not emerald haha!
    Lovely blog btw, found you on the blog hop :) x

  4. Really not emerald! Gorgeous though, love it :) x

  5. Oooo! Gorgeous nail colour. I've only got a couple of the Accessorize nail polishes but they are such great quality!

    Just found you through BBU Blog hop! Now following! Hope you can check out my blog too?

    Laura xx


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