Wednesday, 6 March 2013

NOTD Gosh Holographic Hero

GOSH  549 holographic hero, once elusive now readily available. This polish is absolutely beautiful. One minute it will look dull and lifeless but when the light catches it catches fire. The colour spectrum is beautiful. Definitely a polish worth having in your collection.
Yes, it looks fabulous but it is a nightmare to apply. First coat goes on fine but the second is painstakingly difficult. If you use too many strokes it will drag the first layer off leaving you with bald patches. Trick is to load the brush up and use as few strokes as possible.
The wear time on this isn't great but it is now advertised as being 'one night wear' which is fair. It's really easy to remove so it's not a big deal. I managed to wash the pots with this and it only had minimal tip wear.
One other problem is that it highlights any nail flaws (as you can see on my middle finger which is peeling) and no amount of filing or base coat usage seems to help.

Looking for a one night wonder that will bling any outfit up? Buy this. For £4.99 it is worth every penny. Find it here.


  1. I'm pretty excited that this is back, but one night wear is SO not my kinda thing. I might give it a go at that price though, I have had my eye on it since it first appeared and it looks fantastic.

  2. This nail polish is so beautiful! I've seen a few swatches of it and it's on my wish list :D I can never find it in my local superdrugs though :( it must sell out pretty quick haha :)

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