Monday 16 July 2012

Percy & Reed Dry Conditioner

I don't know about you ladies but I know all about dry shampoo, batiste being what recently has become a product many of my friends use religiously (Emma @ Ems designs has done a excellent review of it here - click and read!) but something that I was new to the concept of was dry conditioner. I managed to procure a sample of this from Whats In My Handbag? and want to share it with you all today!

It came packaged so nicely, with my name and everything :D Anyway.. it claims to 'give your hair healthy softness and shine without the h20' and to 'add glossy shine to even very dry hair'. Just so happens I have very thick curly hair that is very dry at the ends! Fancy that! It says spray 10 cm away working on the dry areas then brushing through.. this is the result:
Left - Hair before, Right- Hair after.

Don't know about you but I consider this a success! It controlled the frizz, it added shine to the dull, lifeless ends of my hair and made it feel silky smooth! And no oilyness. Unlike the dry shampoo this does not give volume, something I clearly do not need. However I need this product. So will I buy it? YES! Score? 8/10.. simply because it is £12.00 here are ASOS. Curses to the expensive products that work!

Have you tried Dry Conditioner? Know of alternatives?


  1. Interesting!! I've been loving dry shampoo for quite some time but I've never heard of dry conditioner! Now I'm interested to try it...

    PS - I found you through the BBU blog hop :)

    1. If you get dry hair after a day of washing, the type that makes your hair horrible and frizzy at the ends, you MUST try it :) x

  2. I love your blog layout and blog name.

    I am now following through BBU blog hop


  3. New follower from the BBU blog hop!
    Love this review, I've never tried Dry Conditioner - its definitely something I'll look into!

    Love your layout btw!xo

  4. i found your blog through the bbu bloghop
    and i am a new follower hope you can follow my blog

  5. Completely agree, I couldn't live without my Batiste! It's just so great for refreshing your hair and adding volume, and it does wonders for my fringe, which is the first thing to go wrong if it gets a little bit hot or it rains!
    Really interested to hear about this dry conditioner, will have to give it a go. I did try a normal shampoo from Percy and Reed, but I wasn't overly enamoured with it as it didn't lather up.

    I found you through the BBU Blog Hop, by the way! :)

    Mel x

  6. I need to try Dry Conditioner! I have only tried Dry Shampoo!!

    Stopping by from the BBU Hop and happy to be your newest follower :)

    Stop by my blog if you get a chance <3

    xo, Jersey Girl

  7. I must try this! Dry conditioner sounds amazing! Great blog! Following you now, can't wait to read more!

    I found you through the BBU Blog Hop, by the way
    LillaJade x

  8. I really want to try some Percy and Reed products! Found you through the BBU blog hop and following you now :)

    love the blog name!

  9. woweee, thats amazing!!!
    im gonna have to add it to the wishlist!

    I found your blog on the BBU blog hop, and I think it's amazing! keep up the great work <3

    BreezeyBee Blog

  10. I love the packaging, its totally up my alley.

    I found your blog on the BBU blog hop - and I really enjoyed your review!


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