Saturday, 16 February 2013

Beauty Wishlist #1

1. Undress Me Two palette - MUA Cosmetics - £4.00
This is on my wishlist as it's more trying to find it in store rather than not having the funds. The colours in this palette are perfect for day, night and the transition look. And of course the obvious dupeness about it.
2. Apocalips Nude Eclipse - Rimmel - £5.99
I do not own a nude lipstick as I've been scared of the whole 'concealer lips' look. Plus I want to try the formula of these so I'd rather get a colour I don't have. Plus if I love it it is a BRILLIANT excuse to buy more.
3. Telescopic Clean Definition Mascara - L'Oreal - £.10.99
I've heard brilliant things about this mascara and I do want a new one. I will buy this one day (when I have used up the many many MANY mascaras I have on the go currently).
4. The Porefessional - Benefit - £23.50
A very pricey product indeed. I've just finished up Rimmels primer and am looking for the next best thing. Plus the benefit (ha, see what I did there?) of covering pores appeals to me and my rather obvious nose.
5. Fit Me Foundation - Maybelline - £7.99
I need a new foundation as I only have my YSL Touche Eclat which I cannot afford to keep replacing. I like to change it up every now and then so another foundation is needed. I may invest in the concealer and powder at a later date?

All I need is 3for2 at Boots/Superdrug then I'm sure a few of these will be added to my collection! Do you agree with any of these? Or have these not worked for you and I should spend my money on something else?


  1. I can't find the MUA palette anywhere either! I've just finished my Fit Me Foundation and I thought it was really good for the price, I didn't get much use out of the powder though and I didn't bother with the concealer.

    1. Ive been to three different superdrugs today looking for it still cannot find it! So its worth checking the Fit Me out? Thats good news. Thanks for the heads up about the other bits x

  2. Id love the MUA palette!



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