Sunday, 11 August 2013

Five Minute Face Version 1

Welcome to Five Minute Face!
In the morning, sleep is all I want. So if I can find a viable way to stay in bed for longer then yay for me! Five Minute Face is the result of 5 minutes make up application that makes me acceptable to the human race. Here is version 1....

Products Used:
SEVENTEEN Wild Metallics Eyes in Wild Nude (£3.99 here, review here)
HD Brows Palette in Foxy (£19.96 here, review here)
Max Factor False Lash Effect Masterpiece Mascara (Full size £10.99 here)
L'Oreal Color Appeal Solo Eyeshadow in Cream Lame (£5.99 here)
No7 Stay Perfect Foundation (£14 here)

Quickly buff in No7 Stay Perfect foundation over the face. Whilst this is setting, a quick go over the eyes with Seventeen Wild Metallics Eyes with a finger, This stuff is great as it lasts all day. Using The HD Brows Palette I give a bit more shape to the brow for a more tidy look (at the moment they aren't great, growing them out for a HD Brows consult and shape). Quick slick of mascara, the Max Factor False Lash Effect is great as it dries quickly and gives length to the lashes. Finally I used the L'Oreal Eyeshadow as a highligter on the cupids bow, top of the cheeks and the brow bone as it gives a healthy glow without looking too shiny. And here is the result....

... first time I've shown my full face on the blog. Hello!!! Ready to run out the door, coffee in hand.

How do you feel above Five Minute Face? Any tips? Let me know in the comments.


  1. I love the idea of this post! It turned out fantastic!

    xx Kim

  2. I have nominated you for the Liebster award! If you want to accept, then click on the link below and answer the questions!

    (Sorry if you have already been nominated!)


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