Sunday 17 November 2013

Bourjois Cream Blush in 03

Having never really tried a Cream blusher previous to this, plus the lure of Boots' recent 3 for 2 offering, picking up a Cream blush seemed to be a rather savvy idea. I decided on trying the Bourjois pots after recent reviews saying they were easy to apply and being the beginner that I am I wanted ease over skill.
I decided on 03, a soft pink which peachy tones. Perfect for fair skin. I'd just like to point out here the disappointment of 4 shades. Not exactly catering for every girl here now is it? I'd hope that in the future they will expand, because lets face it, they are onto a money maker here.
The Cream to powder formula seems to be a winner here meaning that there are no hair stuck to cheek incidents which I thought would happen (see I told you I knew nothing of Cream blush). Easy to apply? I like the blend ability of them (yes, now a word). You can pat them into the cheek with your fingers as they don't dry too quickly. Lazy girls take note though - a Real Techniques buffing brush seems to be the quickest, easiest and fuss free way to apply this. Literally, 5 seconds. Done. Dusted. Moving on...
I find they last a fair few hours - a touch up will be needed at some point in your day (good job they have a mirror!) and they are build able meaning if you want to rock the strong cheek then you can, with ease. They also smell of soap. A nice, floral soap way. Not a medicinal soap.

Finally, the price. £7.99, which is a decent enough price until you realise the tiny amount you get (2.5g). However, in this case, quality does prevail making this, in my eyes, a savvy purchase.


  1. This sounds like a lovely blusher but I already have four cream blushers that I haven't finished yet... Obsessed! Try Topshop one's for different shades? Looking forward to meeting you at the East Midlands meet up!

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