Friday, 22 June 2012

17 Instant Glow Bronzing Rocks

I spend too much money in Boots. It's a fact! I'm lured in by their points and their vouchers.
Anyway, moving on....
Looking for a new bronzer? Why don't you try this one, 17 Instant Glow Bronzing Rocks.

They really are rocks, look at the size of them! They are a mixture of light pink and bronze-gold rocks (on the swatch the first is the pink rock, the second the gold rock and the third the two combined). They have a subtle shimmer on the skin, not to glittery but perfect for when the sun is shining.  I wouldn't recommend for very pale skintones as the gold rock is quite a dark colour apart from that they are definately worth the £4.99 pricetag.


  1. I am and bronzer fanatic and love this one and it seems to last for ages :) discovered thanks to you!


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