Monday 3 February 2014

ARK Skincare Regenerating Skin Defence

Bonjour!  Today I have a product I very kindly received back in November. Which I know, was a fair while ago. Fail. So, why post about it now? Well I've used it so I want to put my two cents in... After all, there's no point posting about something you haven't used right?

ARK Skincare is a brand with a great company ethos, designed with your individual skin in mind, understanding how we all differ and to provide the tools to achieve 'your own personal skincare solutions'. They also do not test on animals, an issue close to many peoples heart with an ever conscious society. Brownie points already!

The Ark Regenerating Skin defence* is designed for under moisturisers to defend against ageing, environmental stress and is to aid skin regeneration. Big claims eh? As you can see, it contains a whole host of skin helping ingredients: vitamins B C and E, antioxidants, hyaluronic acid which plumps and improves firmness and camelina oil which boasts skin elasticity improving properties. 

The texture of the gel is quite thick and smells quite fruity. It does have a strong scent indeed so be aware. It is easy to apply, glides onto the skin and soaks it quickly which leaves the skin glowing and insanely soft. You really can feel a difference once applying this and I personally can see a difference, it makes my skin look radiant in a word. I have used this continuously now for months and it has been a saviour for my skin whilst the weather has been questionable. I haven't noticed any anti-wrinkle properties due to my lack of wrinkles but hopefully the use will keep my skin firmer for longer. I also find it helps the moisturiser you follow with sink in with ease leaving your skin with a healthy plumpness.

And the packaging.. Well who doesn't like a snazzy pot? This innovative pot.. You turn it so one turn is enough for the whole face! Solves that age old problem of hygiene, if you haven't washed your hands you don't have to keep calm and carry on because.. It will never happen! Only downside is not knowing how much you've actually got left!

So as I said I've been using this for a few months now and I can say, hand on heart, scouts honour etc that this is absolutely fabulous. My skin has improved, it feels softer and I when I stopped using it boy did I know about it. Skincare is subjective, not many are alike but in my case this stuff has provided results and is the bees knees.  However it is worth mentioning that all this doesn't come cheap. This product is £42, which whilst not up there in the high end category is still going to make a dent in your salary. The benefits I've found with it really do make it worth it though and when you have good skin, not only do you feel fabulous but you also look it too (insert imagery of me walking through Selfridges with people turning to stare at my clear and radiant skin.. wishful thinking perhaps).
Next time you are looking around for some products for a Skincare shakeup look towards ARK skincare perhaps as yes, a tad pricey maybe, but worth every penny?
Oui oui! 


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